Learning Programmes & Supports

Below you will find a list of learning programmes we deliver on request, across the country.

Each learning programme is evaluated, with feedback and learning outcomes held by each ‘host’ organisation.

Invitation to participate in the launch of the Self-advocacy report

Peer Advocacy in Mental Health would like to invite you to an event PAMH is organising in collaboration with Dublin North, North-East Recovery college (DNNE).  The event is being arranged to launch a report on a Self-Advocacy Project PAMH delivered in collaboration with DNNE applying co-production methodology.  It will take place on the 21st of March 2023, Helix, Dublin City University campus.  

The project was funded by Minister Butler, Minister for State for Mental Health and Older People through the Mental Health Grants for Community & Voluntary Organisations, 2022.  

If you and/or you know of anyone else who might like to attend please register by using this link https://forms.gle/Fm9Jc29Kvjm6Aanx9 We will be in touch in the next two weeks with a full schedule of the day.  We hope you can make it.


The self-advocacy learning programme nurtures self-advocacy skills and abilities.  Starting with personal development in the areas of self-esteem, assertiveness, recovery, resilience and communication.

The second half of the programme involves exploration and sharing of information on rights and responsibilities, social inclusion, formal and informal networks and sources to support and enable the individual in their efforts toward self-advocacy


Capacity Building

The capacity building programme is designed to assist groups of individuals to gain confidence, skills and knowledge to establish or become part of a working committee (forum) whose purpose is to influence and drive development of local mental health services.  

Themes and components of this programme include personal development, co-production, mental health policy, communication, teamwork, team building and conflict.


Peer Support

Participants of the peer support programme acquire interpersonal skills, are provided knowledge and information to understand peer support and how it fits within the partner, ‘host’ organisation.  

The programme is developed and adapted in accordance with organisational arrangements as discussed and agreed with the partner, ‘host’ organisation. The partner, host organisation is expected to facilitate practice placements and will be encouraged to consider how peer support can be developed and utilised within their structures and operations.

Reports on Peer Advocacy in Mental Health advocacy Learning programmes and peer advocacy support.

Piloting the use of video chat app to facilitate the delivery of Irish Advocacy Network peer advocacy services during the Covid Pandemic. A Survey questionnaire, findings and recommendations.

Report on the Evaluation of the Self-advocacy and Personal Learning Programme

An international scoping review of Peer Support in Mental Health


The self-advocacy learning programme nurtures self-advocacy skills and abilities.  Starting with personal development in the areas of self-esteem, assertiveness, recovery, resilience and communication.

The second half of the programme involves exploration and sharing of information on rights and responsibilities, social inclusion, formal and informal networks and sources to support and enable the individual in their efforts toward self-advocacy

Capacity Building

The capacity building programme is designed to assist groups of individuals to gain confidence, skills and knowledge to establish or become part of a working committee (forum) whose purpose is to influence and drive development of local mental health services.  

Themes and components of this programme include personal development, co-production, mental health policy, communication, teamwork, team building and conflict.

Peer Support

Participants of the peer support programme acquire interpersonal skills, are provided knowledge and information to understand peer support and how it fits within the partner, ‘host’ organisation.  

The programme is developed and adapted in accordance with organisational arrangements as discussed and agreed with the partner, ‘host’ organisation. The partner, host organisation is expected to facilitate practice placements and will be encouraged to consider how peer support can be developed and utilised within their structures and operations.

Each learning programme involves shared learning in a peer-to-peer environment where exploration and transformation occurs through mutual experiences. In addion to the above programmes, we have co-produced, designed, and delivered, in collaboraon with partner organisations learning programmes that meet the needs of their client group. Many of these partner organisations can be found listed on our Partners/collaborators, past and present in the Team Page.

Contact us for more information and enquiries.